7 months

7 months. wow. that’s crazy.

7 months.

7 months.

Jackson is a vocal, demanding, hilarious little boy.  The last month has been all about getting more mobile and eating more food. We’re getting closer to crawling, he uses his belly as a fulcrum to spin and get at stuff he wants. Or he rolls, but will only willingly roll to his left, so usually gets rolled at far as he can go, and cries because he’s “stuck” against a wall. Just in the last few days he briefly lifts his little butt up and pushes up with his arms at the same time, so it won’t be long and we’ll need the baby gates up… and to “baby proof.” ugh.

He loves food. I really can’t stress that enough.  And he’s a terribly messy eater. I let him play with the food and grab the spoon to “help,” so his messiness is probably my fault, but I figure it’s good for him. We do a few “solids” like bananas and green beans for him to feed himself, and I anticipate we’ll be increasing those quite a bit this month. He’s also tried the “puffs” – only a few, but I want him to get used to many textures so he’s not gaggy later.



He’s cut one tooth. I thought we might get kicked out of daycare over it… he cried for over 2 hours straight that day, I guess. I told her the next time she should please call me, as no one should be subjected to my son’s anger for that long, except his makers 🙂

He’s improving on the sleeping front. I can count on one waking per night (totally doable for me). Sometimes we’re up twice, but he’s not hungry the second time. And we’ve done a couple of 7-9 hour stretches, which was AWESOME, minus the exploding boobs thing.

the morning when he slept through the night for the first time... 3/25/14.

the morning when he slept through the night for the first time… 3/25/14.

He is a momma’s boy, no arguing that. Momma fixes almost everything. Momma sings the Bird Song every morning. She plays even when she can barely keep her eyes open. And momma has the jugs. I’ve been able to maintain breast-feeding, which is such a blessing.  I am beginning to resent that stupid breast pump, but it’s okay, because it’s for him. I also miss regular bras. Running anytime without pumping first. Sleeping in just a t-shirt. Sleeping without waking to an aching chest. But all so tolerable and worth it for Jackson.

daddy's hat

daddy’s hat

But also loves his dadda. When I can’t get him to sleep, 2 minutes of rocking with daddy and he’s out. Daddy is a great playtime buddy. Daddy pushes Jackson to advance in his skills, but has the most protective and watchful eyes over everything. He rescues Jackson from every single cat and dog hair going into his mouth 🙂 Jesse is the best partner in parenting I could have asked for. He helps in the mornings, packing the Tahoe with the 3-4 bags my life involves on a daily basis and keeping Jackson entertained while I pump. He has found a routine to rock through the 12-13 hour days while I work on the weekends. He sends me pictures throughout the day… but rarely needs or asks for my advice for anything.

Our life is oh so normal, but oh so busy. I am getting to the tail-end of my NP degree, which is exciting. Everything else is just maintaining until I finish that degree.  I don’t have lots of time to blog anymore, which is sad, and my blog reading time has basically been reduced to pumping time, but it is so fun to see the updates of the babies born around the same time as Jackson.  While we may all parent a little differently and make choices with different values in mind, thank you to all of you ladies who share your triumphs and struggles of being a mom and woman in this crazy world. I appreciate your experiences. And all of your babies (most of them girls) are adorable! Please keep updating!

And now for the picture overload…

loves being outside.

loves being outside.

fell asleep bouncing.

fell asleep bouncing.

beating on Mother Goose.

beating on Mother Goose.

chatting at us through the moniter in the mornings

chatting at us through the moniter in the mornings


best buds.

best buds.




my world.

my world. ❤