3 months & back to work

I lived through the week. Jesse made it home yesterday, and it was so nice when he got up with Jackson at 6am this morning and let me sleep in 🙂 God, I missed my husband SO much!! And I would have died had my mom not came out to help me. We are so lucky to have people in our life that want to help us. And while it’s hard for me to ask for or accept help, having a baby makes you re-evaluate letting people help out. I am eternally grateful!

This week marked 3 months since Jackson joined our little family. Lately he’s been trying my brand new parenting skills. He has become a constipated little boy, and like his mother, if he needs to poop, he can focus on nothing else… except he screams and cries inconsolably.  My mom was unlucky enough to get day 8 before he finally pooped that night. Yes, 8 days between poops. Poor guy. We’ve tried multiple tricks (karo syrup, pear juice, suppositories) and nothing seems to work particularly well, and I’m not very comfortable with all of these interventions for my little boy. Yes, I believe in medicine and medical intervention, but giving a 3 month old juice or suppositories is hard for me, and I don’t want his little bowels getting dependent on stuff.  He’s also developed an umbilical hernia. I’m sure it was always there, but it’s become very pronounced with the poop hoarding. My poor little guy.

And tonight, he’s sleeping in my arms with the humidifier going next to us. He’s go a stuffy nose and a hoarse little cry. Breaks my heart. So 3 months isn’t really our friend. However, he IS growing, crushing milestones left and right, and smiling a big gummy smile when his tum-tum isn’t full. We love our little man to pieces, despite his difficult little anal-retentiveness. And may I just take this small moment to say, THANK GOD FOR GRIPE WATER. (and thank YOU Jessie VP for buying it for us – life saver!)

3 months

3 months


rocking with Gamma

rocking with Gamma

started using the exersaucer... even though his toes barely touch. He likes to sit up and see things.

started using the exersaucer… even though his toes barely touch. He likes to sit up and see things… and he may or may not being watching DisneyJunior. Ooops.


play, play, play

play, play, play


AND… I made it through my first week back at work. The night before I’m pretty sure Jackson could sense my anxiety, plus he needed to poop, so no one got much sleep. My first day back was filled with tears and texts to my hubby and pumping. We don’t have a pumping room at the hospital (I KNOW, RIGHT??) and so I have a chair in the bathroom. And I was so stressed that my milk nearly instantly dropped in production. So I drank TONS of water and ate and ate and ate the next day, and things got better. By the third day I felt like I was getting my groove back a little. I’ve decided to cut back to half-time at work as of the first of the year to accommodate more time for my baby and school. It will make things tight financially, but we’ll figure something out.

Speaking of figuring something out, we found daycare. I’m not 100% excited about it… but my choices are limited and she’s 90% just fine. I’ll go more into it later, I’m just happy to have a plan B in place.

Hope everything is good with all of my followers. And if anyone has any really good baby constipation tips, I’ll take them!!



4 thoughts on “3 months & back to work

  1. That gripe water is some good stuff! 🙂

    Hang in there, momma! These times are tough… but I promise, each week back to work gets better and just a tiny bit easier. You can do this, I know you can!

    Sorry your little guy isn’t feeling well. Mine just got sick today with a little cold. I swear there is nothing worse than seeing your baby sick. I’ve shed lots of tears today… I just feel so bad for him and wish I could take it all away!

  2. Here are some jumbled thoughts – I love the 3 month pic! I didn’t know babies could use exersaucers so early – exciting! No poop for 8 days – how awful for baby and parents! And finally, back to work – sorry it had to happen so quickly. I am NOT looking forward to it at all. I’d love to hear more about the good and the bad of it.

  3. OMG..what a cutie. Can’t say it enough! Sad he’s going through some rough patches…we’ve been down the road of constipation and also the baby cold..and both of my boys developed umbilical hernias that eventually went away. Josiah had a HUGE one that looked insane. When it finally went down, Micah’s popped out. I hope Jackson feels better!

  4. How cute is he?!?! What a cutie pie! Sorry to hear of his constipation. Poor little guy.

    I’m sorry being away from him is rough, I hope it gets better as time goes on for you. That sucks that you have to pump in a bathroom….is there seriously NO OTHER PLACE?? Work is legally obligated to provide you with a pumping place. There isn’t an office or something to use?? Oh, and it’s amazing how stress affects milk supply. Hang in there and take some deep breaths. You are doing amazing!

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